android-chrome-512x512.png 萬事院 Guest House Bungee Inn


2019/09/09 2:08
First of all we have to prepare our bodies by adjusting our posture, and then our breathing. When we have the correct posture and breathing, then we correct our mind. These three things are important in Zazen meditation. まず身体を調える。姿勢を調える。そして呼吸を調える。身体と呼吸を正しく調えることで心も調う。座禅瞑想をするときには、この3つが大切です。
2019/09/08 18:11
Many people know that the late Steve Jobs, who had the greatest influence in the world in the 21st century, loved ZEN.
2019/09/08 17:49
Sado is based on Japanese spirit of hospitality. 茶道は現代の日本人のおもてなしの精神に基づいています
2019/09/08 17:49
Sado is based on Japanese spirit of hospitality. 茶道は現代の日本人のおもてなしの精神に基づいています
2019/09/08 17:49
Artichokes are growing. アーティチョーク、成長中。
2019/09/08 17:35
Sado is based on Japanese spirit of hospitality. 茶道は現代の日本人のおもてなしの精神に基づいています
2019/09/07 20:16
2019/09/07 20:16